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Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Course 2020 with Videos Online

The Beginners Guide to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) in Life Science...

...took place on November 23rd to 27th 2020 via Zoom. The online FLIM symposium (conference web site) was co-organized by CMCB Light Microscopy Facility of Technische Universität Dresden, Imaging Network of WWU Münster, Center of Advanced Imaging of HHU Düsseldorf University and the Core Facility Bioimaging at the Biomedical Center of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and as an activity within the GermanBioimaging Network.

The lectures (L1-L10) were live and online while the hands-on sessions (WS1 - WS10) were combinations of interactive sessions at the microscope and respective recorded videos. There, the experts showcased further developments in the field, and explained how FLIM contributes to take their research to the next level.

Our aim was to address the applications of FLIM microscopy in life science and discuss the tips and tricks in FLIM data analysis and data acquisition.

Lectures and hands-on session can all be found in this

Youtube Playlist.

The first video, the introduction, is embedded below, as are the two videos that were created at our Core Facility Bioimaging.

List of lectures

List of Hands-on Sessions

DSGVO-Hinweis zu den folgenden Videos: (data protection note on the following videos)

Zum Aktivieren muss der Link betätigt werden. Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass nach der Aktivierung die Internetseite der LMU verlassen wird und Daten an YouTube oder entsprechende Anbieter übermittelt werden können. Die Nutzung erfolgt außerhalb des Verantwortungsbereichs der LMU bzw. der Einrichtung.

Video above: L0 - Introduction

Video above: WS4 - Component separation by means of lifetime measurement

Video above: WS5 - Tau-STED - application of lifetime measurement in super-resolution microscopy
