Microscopy Books
A variety of books on microscopy and imaging can be borrowed at the core facility. They range from general to specific, new to historic, in English and some in German. The following is a selection, not a complete list.
English paper books
Current general microscopy text books
- R. Wayne: Light and Video Microscopy. Nice, narrative style, but rather thin on advanced techniques 1st edition 2008, 2nd edtion 2014, ISBN: 978-0-12-411484-5 .
- G. Cox, Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology. Compact overview over many current techniques. 1st edition 2007 and 2nd edition 2012.
- Murphy and Davidson, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging. 1st edition 2001 and 2nd edition 2013.
Other books on microscopy and imaging
- U. Kubitscheck: Fluorescence microscopy, 2013. 400 pages, contains much more than the title suggests.
- R. Yuste: Imaging, A laboratory manual, 2011. 60 chapters on a lot of topcis. Including chapters on interference microscopy, confocal, spinning disk, polarization.
- J. Merz, Introduction to optical microscopy, 2010. Lots of formulas, maybe more for physics-students.
- James Pawley (ed.): Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy. 3. edition. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2006, ISBN 0-387-25921-X. The reference on confocal microscopy and related techniques in the life sciences. Less suitable for the complete beginner. 2. edition also available.
- Bradbury and Evennett, 1996, Contrast Techniques in Light Microscopy. Chapters on polarization, phase and modulation, interference, fluorescence.
- W. Burrells, Microscope Technique. New revised edition 1977. ISBN 0852425112. Lots of general aspects, with 13 pages on phase contrast and 42 pages on interference microscopy.
- T. Tkaczyk: Field Guide to Microscopy, 2010. Very short/compact overview over pretty much everything, one small page for each topic, including images.
- Several small introductory books on confocal microscopy, about 10-20 years old,
- L.C. Martin, B.K Johnson, Practical Microscopy, 3rd ed, 1958. with a chapter on dark ground, phase and interference microscopy
German paper books
- Jörg Haus: Optische Mikroskopie, 2014. Nach vielen Jahren ist endlich wieder ein deutschprachiges Buch über Lichtmikroskopie aktuell erhältlich.
- Dieter Gerlach: Das Lichtmikroskop. 1. Auflage 1976 oder 2. Auflage 1985.
- Gerhard Göke: Moderne Methoden der Lichtmikroskopie. Vom Durchlicht-Hellfeld- bis zum Laser-Mikroskop. 1988
- Maurice Françon: Einführung in die neueren Methoden der Lichtmikroskopie. 1967.
- Heinz Appelt: Einführung in die mikroskopischen Untersuchungsmethoden. 4. Auflage. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig KG, Leipzig 1959
- Hager, Mez: Das Mikroskop u. Seine Anwendung, 1912
- Dieter Gerlach: Geschichte der Mikroskopie, 2009. Nicht über die Funktionsweise sondern eben über die Geschichte. Sehr ausführlich, bleibt leider inhaltlich auf dem Stand der 1970er Jahre stehen.
- Einige populärwissenschaftliche Bücher über Lichtmikroskopie.