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Malpighi 63x oil PSFs

This page contains PSF full width half measurements (FWHM) from Malpighi's 63x NA 1.4 oil immersion objective in reflection mode with gold beads. See this page for an explanation how these measurements were performed.

Two wavelengths, 488 nm and 638 nm were used, both at two pinhole sizes, 0.5 AU and open pinhole, resulting in four sets of measurements. Voxel size is 31.0 nm x 31.0 nm x 148 nm.

Theoretical FWHM sizes 

FWHM without pinhole or fully open pinhole in x,y according to 0.51*λ/1.4. FWHM with pinhole size zero in x,y according to 0.51*λ/(1.4*√2).

Wavlength488 nm638 nm
xy-FWHM with open Pinhole 179 nm 232 nm
xy-FWHM with Pinhole size 0 126 nm 164 nm

Plots of FWHM measurements

For details on these data, see tables below.

488nm, pinhole 05

488nm, pinhole max

638nm, pinhole 05

638nm, pinhole max

Explanation of table columns

Date: The date when the data set was recorded.

n: The number of beads evaluated in a given 3D image stacks.

FWHM max and FWHM min: A recorded PSF is usually not quite circular. Along the xy-plane, PSFj fits the PSF using a Gaussian ellipse. The largest and the smallest FWHM values found are given here in micrometer. The median value from the evaluated beads in the given data set is given.

FWHM z: The FWHM along the optical axis. Median value of the evaluated beads. All measurements were performed with PSFJ.

im xy: From each 3D image stack, the bead with the FWHMmin closest to the median was selected as example bead. The central section of the PSF is displayed in this image. Ideally, this image should reveal concentric rings of intensity values. To enlarge the image, adjust the magnification of your browser (probably with the ctrl+ keys, depending on your browser). Note that browsers may 'smoothen' images.

im xz: For the same bead, the xz-view. z-axis is from left to right, x-axis from top to bottom. Ideally this image should reveal a symmetric intensity distribution, with a mirror symmetry along the vertical and the horizontal axis. Reoccuring deviations, eg. a 'banana shape' would indicate a problem with the objective. Deviations for single beads may be caused by non-spherical beads or two or more very closely spaced beads.

im yz: For the same bead, the yz-view. See previous column for explanations. z-axis is from top to bottom, y-axis from left to right.

Filename: Filename of the original data set.

488nm, pinhole 05

Daten=FWHM maxFWHM minFWHM zim xyim xzim yzFilenamenotes
20170410 10 0.166 0.143 0.417 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20170410 17 0.17 0.146 0.429 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20170410 17 0.167 0.142 0.417 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20170516 7 0.169 0.145 0.37 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20170516 9 0.166 0.149 0.402 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20170516 14 0.179 0.145 0.413 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20170531 17 0.17 0.145 0.367 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20170531 18 0.168 0.146 0.383 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20170620 11 0.17 0.147 0.41 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20170620 6 0.166 0.144 0.373 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20170620 12 0.165 0.145 0.368 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20170717 14 0.161 0.139 0.422 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilfbetweenstacks.csv oilfbetweenstacks
20170717 10 0.162 0.139 0.416 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilfbetweenstacks02.csv oilfbetweenstacks02
20170717 7 0.166 0.147 0.388 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilfbetweenstacks03.csv oilfbetweenstacks03
20170717 2 0.153 0.141 0.346 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilhfbetweenstacks.csv oilhfbetweenstacks
20170717 4 0.173 0.143 0.361 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilhfbetweenstacks02.csv oilhfbetweenstacks02
20170717 5 0.161 0.139 0.389 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_oilhfbetweenstacks03.csv oilhfbetweenstacks03
20171218 3 0.248 0.163 0.58 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20171218 4 0.234 0.174 0.575 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20171218 6 0.242 0.173 0.53 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20180110 6 0.222 0.182 0.623 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20180110 5 0.236 0.182 0.633 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_04.csv 04
20180112 14 0.195 0.157 0.414 20180112_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01nachRep.csv 01nachRep
20180124 2 0.178 0.149 0.412 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_01.csv 01
20180124 12 0.187 0.149 0.425 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_02.csv 02
20180124 13 0.19 0.149 0.422 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_03.csv 03
20180124 3 0.173 0.15 0.421 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_04.csv 04
20180124 8 0.187 0.147 0.425 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_05.csv 05
20180124 9 0.176 0.144 0.432 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_06.csv 06
20180124 5 0.183 0.146 0.454 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_07.csv 07
20180124 4 0.181 0.149 0.422 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_08.csv 08
20180124 4 0.185 0.147 0.472 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_09.csv 09
20180124 7 0.18 0.146 0.46 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_05_10.csv 10

488nm, pinhole max

Daten=FWHM maxFWHM minFWHM zim xyim xzim yzFilenamenotes
20170410 6 0.235 0.173 0.547 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_01.csv 01
20170410 15 0.232 0.179 0.552 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20170410 18 0.236 0.178 0.588 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20170516 7 0.243 0.172 0.512 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_.csv
20170516 8 0.24 0.173 0.523 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20170516 6 0.23 0.17 0.548 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20170531 13 0.239 0.173 0.486 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_01.csv 01
20170531 14 0.235 0.167 0.502 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20170531 4 0.233 0.171 0.49 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20170620 9 0.229 0.176 0.586 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_01.csv 01
20170620 4 0.231 0.174 0.462 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20170620 7 0.224 0.171 0.467 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20170717 6 0.234 0.172 0.532 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilfbetweenstacks.csv oilfbetweenstacks
20170717 5 0.239 0.174 0.569 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilfbetweenstacks02.csv oilfbetweenstacks02
20170717 5 0.241 0.168 0.543 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilfbetweenstacks03.csv oilfbetweenstacks03
20170717 5 0.254 0.178 0.574 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilhfbetweenstacks.csv oilhfbetweenstacks
20170717 4 0.246 0.181 0.544 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilhfbetweenstacks02.csv oilhfbetweenstacks02
20170717 4 0.252 0.181 0.525 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_oilhfbetweenstacks03.csv oilhfbetweenstacks03
20171218 20 0.248 0.167 0.586 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_01.csv 01
20171218 4 0.234 0.174 0.575 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20171218 14 0.241 0.169 0.562 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20180110 6 0.222 0.182 0.623 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20180110 5 0.236 0.182 0.633 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_04.csv 04
20180112 11 0.25 0.175 0.719 20180112_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_01nachRep.csv 01nachRep
20180124 9 0.249 0.175 0.673 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_02.csv 02
20180124 9 0.243 0.172 0.629 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_03.csv 03
20180124 1 0.231 0.172 0.674 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_04.csv 04
20180124 1 0.233 0.183 0.615 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_05.csv 05
20180124 1 0.235 0.185 0.705 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_06.csv 06
20180124 1 0.236 0.183 0.699 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_07.csv 07
20180124 1 0.224 0.178 0.651 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_08.csv 08
20180124 1 0.239 0.182 0.739 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_09.csv 09
20180124 2 0.242 0.175 0.75 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_488_max_10.csv 10

638nm, pinhole 05

Daten=FWHM maxFWHM minFWHM zim xyim xzim yzFilenamenotes
20170410 6 0.213 0.191 0.539 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20170410 6 0.215 0.191 0.541 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20170410 15 0.208 0.187 0.551 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20170516 4 0.209 0.196 0.51 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20170516 5 0.211 0.189 0.527 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20170516 6 0.207 0.188 0.544 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20170531 13 0.205 0.191 0.489 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20170531 10 0.21 0.189 0.525 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20170620 8 0.2 0.186 0.557 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20170620 5 0.204 0.183 0.507 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20170620 9 0.201 0.187 0.507 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20170717 8 0.211 0.187 0.58 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilfbetweenstacks.csv oilfbetweenstacks
20170717 11 0.207 0.191 0.598 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilfbetweenstacks02.csv oilfbetweenstacks02
20170717 6 0.206 0.186 0.529 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilfbetweenstacks03.csv oilfbetweenstacks03
20170717 7 0.191 0.178 0.574 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilhfbetweenstacks.csv oilhfbetweenstacks
20170717 10 0.201 0.181 0.583 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilhfbetweenstacks02.csv oilhfbetweenstacks02
20170717 6 0.208 0.184 0.603 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_oilhfbetweenstacks03.csv oilhfbetweenstacks03
20171218 17 0.247 0.166 0.605 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20171218 4 0.241 0.171 0.577 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20171218 6 0.241 0.175 0.566 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20180110 4 0.221 0.18 0.623 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20180110 7 0.237 0.182 0.636 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_04.csv 04
20180112 12 0.226 0.192 0.589 20180112_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01nachRep.csv 01nachRep
20180124 2 0.211 0.191 0.541 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_01.csv 01
20180124 6 0.227 0.195 0.537 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_02.csv 02
20180124 11 0.219 0.194 0.538 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_03.csv 03
20180124 1 0.214 0.191 0.547 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_04.csv 04
20180124 5 0.207 0.19 0.584 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_05.csv 05
20180124 2 0.212 0.192 0.559 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_06.csv 06
20180124 4 0.216 0.189 0.579 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_07.csv 07
20180124 2 0.213 0.195 0.613 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_08.csv 08
20180124 2 0.204 0.188 0.612 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_09.csv 09
20180124 4 0.203 0.189 0.603 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_05_10.csv 10

638nm, pinhole max

Daten=FWHM maxFWHM minFWHM zim xyim xzim yzFilenamenotes
20170410 7 0.281 0.229 0.682 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20170410 4 0.27 0.231 0.679 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20170410 12 0.278 0.234 0.688 20170410_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20170516 4 0.286 0.226 0.662 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20170516 6 0.285 0.225 0.667 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20170516 5 0.271 0.227 0.683 20170516_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20170531 10 0.266 0.224 0.624 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20170531 10 0.278 0.222 0.655 20170531_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20170620 6 0.277 0.23 0.682 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20170620 4 0.281 0.231 0.6 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20170620 6 0.279 0.225 0.625 20170620_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20170717 5 0.26 0.221 0.692 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilfbetweenstacks.csv oilfbetweenstacks
20170717 6 0.267 0.22 0.74 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilfbetweenstacks02.csv oilfbetweenstacks02
20170717 3 0.275 0.22 0.689 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilfbetweenstacks03.csv oilfbetweenstacks03
20170717 3 0.257 0.225 0.668 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilhfbetweenstacks.csv oilhfbetweenstacks
20170717 7 0.251 0.226 0.68 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilhfbetweenstacks02.csv oilhfbetweenstacks02
20170717 5 0.256 0.223 0.683 20170717_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_oilhfbetweenstacks03.csv oilhfbetweenstacks03
20171218 2 0.239 0.167 1.095 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20171218 4 0.241 0.171 0.577 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20171218 6 0.241 0.175 0.566 20171218_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20180110 8 0.222 0.182 0.614 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20180110 7 0.237 0.181 0.633 20180110_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_04.csv 04
20180112 6 0.291 0.23 0.718 20180112_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01nachRep.csv 01nachRep
20180124 2 0.293 0.24 0.685 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_01.csv 01
20180124 4 0.271 0.223 0.693 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_02.csv 02
20180124 7 0.273 0.226 0.669 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_03.csv 03
20180124 1 0.269 0.238 0.662 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_04.csv 04
20180124 4 0.278 0.226 0.69 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_05.csv 05
20180124 1 0.265 0.229 0.68 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_06.csv 06
20180124 5 0.273 0.235 0.681 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_07.csv 07
20180124 1 0.267 0.225 0.716 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_08.csv 08
20180124 4 0.267 0.234 0.699 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_09.csv 09
20180124 1 0.255 0.224 0.714 20180124_malpighi_63xoil_638_max_10.csv 10