Core Facility Bioimaging

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Introduction to Zernike

The movie embedded below gives a practical introduction to our transmission bright field and phase contrast microscope, Zernike. If you watch it directly on this web page, please go to full screen mode, otherwise the resolution won't be good enough. For full screen mode, start the movie first, then click on the symbol in the right lower corner of the movie (appears when you hover over it).

Else, you can download (right-click, "save as") this zip file to your computer, unpack it and play it. The zip file has 105 MB, the unpacked movie 107 MB, so you will need about 215 MB of space on your device. Once you unpacked the movie, you can delete the zip file. Should you have trouble playing the downloaded movie, please download VLC player (a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player) which was tested with this movie.

Alternatively, watch this movie on LMUcast: follow this link to the playlist and choose the video named "Zernike Introduction".

The movie runs for 25 min.

Please go to full screen mode, otherwise the resolution won't be good enough.

For full screen mode, start the movie first, then click on the symbol in the right lower corner of the movie (appears when you hover over it).
